November 2013 Mile-High Maiden
The Universe...
(What? You didn’t know “it” is a she?)
Born of a Singularity, she started with a bang. A Big Bang!
(Make sure you scroll to the bottom.)
Soon the heat of a passionate debut cooled, and the seductive attraction of gravity became her dominant emotion. So she got about the serious business of building a wonderful world, one where order, seemingly against all odds, emerges from chaos. First duty, scoop up collections of hydrogen and helium atoms into massive stars. Let there be light!
Too big for their britches and stuffed to bursting with all the elements of the periodic table up to and including iron (Fe 26), her giant stars collapse, then explode as supernovae, sewing their seedling contents, now replete with elements of higher atomic number than iron, far and wide. The ingredients for planets are now in the mix. She nods approvingly, but her work is not yet done….
The creative cycle of star birth and destruction is repeated ceaselessly until gravity entices the development not just of new stars but of planets.
She is pleased but has one more chapter to write…that which is entitled “Life.” Now at last she can smile with a noble contentment, for she is present among the stars as more than mere desire.... She is the Universe!
Ms. Olivia Culpo
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