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Martian_AnkhV_VerySMWhere will you go when you die? The answer may surprise you. Read SECOND EDEN 




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Answers to Pop-Rivet Quiz Test 2

1. There are but five parcels of prohibited airspace in the entire US--three of which are in the Washington D.C. area. (This is not surprising, however, since this type of special-use airspace exists primarily due to reasons of National security.) These are P-40 (Camp David); P-56 (A and B, in downtown Washington DC); and P-73 (Mount Vernon). The others are P-47 in Amarillo Texas and P-67 in Kennebunkport, Maine.

2. This is the term sometimes used to refer to the teetering hinge on certain helicopter rotors--the implication being that if it breaks, thatīs who (Jesus) youīll be talking to next.

3. The answer is: temperature. It could be flown faster, but not for long. Although above 99% of the earthīs atmosphere, frictional heating is still so great that before too long, critical surfaces of the mostly titanium skin would begin to soften and start coming apart.

4. TRUE. However, you would need a helium balloon, and you would have to get up to at least 100,000 feet. The air is thin enough up there so that terminal velocity would actually be greater than Mach 1. (Also helpful is that the speed of sound becomes lower in the thinner air.) By the time such a human projectile reached around 85,000 feet, he (no woman would do this) would, for a few seconds more, be traveling in excess of Mach 1.

5. The answer is minimum sink speed, which is generally about halfway between Vx and stalling speed. You wouldnīt glide as far, but you would sink more slowly in the vertical.

6. Answer: 15 knots.

7. Answer: Taking all onboard items and moving them to the rear-most allowable position (still remaining within aft CG limits) will reduce stall speed, liftoff speed, and takeoff distance. (Think of it as helping provide a tail-down force without exacting as great of an aerodynamic penalty.)

8. Answer:  Noctilucent clouds--they are typically found at altitudes of around 50 miles. They are usually only visible in high northern latitudes at twilight.

9. Answer: Choo Choo (really!)

10. Answer: Venturi effect. When wind flows over them, wind speed increases, pressure decreases locally, and would result in a falsely high indicated altitude.

11. Answer:  The turn needle. The others arenīt reliable in inverted spins.

12. The answer is Tweety Bird, and it's the Portsmouth, NH GPS 16 approach. ITAWT and ITAWA are two initial approach fixes; PUDYE is the final approach fix; and TTATT is the MAP.  And of course, IDEED is the missed holding fix. (So that's: ITAWT ITAWA PUDYE TTATT, IDEED! There is also a HAMMM, BURGR and FRYYS in Vermont.)



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